Chelsea Harms-Tuohy
Dr. Chelsea Harms-Tuohy is a fish biologist and native-born Texan living in the Caribbean paradise of Rincon, Puerto Rico. Transplanting there in 2011, she spent the next 5 years studying the feeding ecology and management of the invasive lionfish. Then in 2015, she co-founded Isla Mar Research Expeditions - a field course company that partners with universities to create experiential field courses focusing on tropical marine and terrestrial ecology.
Aside from Isla Mar, Dr. Harms-Tuohy is an active AAUS scientific diver working on local projects ranging from coral reef restoration, long-term monitoring of commercially important fisheries (conch, grouper) and marine reserve effectiveness within Puerto Rico. In late 2017, she developed and implemented a social media campaign promoting the protection of the important reef herbivore, the parrotfish (#PassOnParrotfish), with The Nature Conservancy in the Caribbean. Starting in September 2018, she will serve as the Principal Investigator on a project using environmental DNA to locate fish spawning aggregations in Puerto Rico. Never a dull moment!
Dr. Harms-Tuohy earned her Ph.D. from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez in 2016. She enjoys the lifestyle of a independent scientist and is always interested in new opportunities to collaborate. Learn more about Isla Mar here: www.islamarexp.com
Chelsea Harms-Tuohy will be presenting on October 5th, 2018. We will be updating our calendar with activity dates and times as we continue to coordinate our event. Stay tuned!