Berend Aukema
Berend Aukema became interested in insects in general at an early age and soon focussed on Heteroptera (true bugs). He studied Biology at the Free University of Amsterdam and did a PhD on the population dynamics of Carabid beetles at Wageningen University. Since his early retirement as head of the Entomology Section of the Netherlands Plant Protection Service in 2004 he is working fulltime on Heteroptera. His focus is on the ecology, taxonomy and faunistics of the West European fauna. He published a series of distribution atlases of the Heteroptera of the Netherlands and is editor of the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Heteroptera (https://catpalhet.linnaeus.naturalis.nl).
Berend will be on Saba from March 14-28, 2025. We will be updating our calendar with activity dates and times as we continue to coordinate our event. Stay tuned!