Elias de Bree
Elias de Bree was born and raised in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, the south-westernmost part of the Netherlands. Since his teenage years, he has been interested in Entomology and busy photographing and recording of Dragonflies (Odonata), Wasps (Hymenoptera) and Flies (Diptera).
Elias works for Mitox, a small ressearch company based out of Amsterdam. He mainly focuses on NTA, Non Target Arthropod, research in agricultural land.
Currently, he's working on the lesser known families Acalyptrate flies (relatives of fruitflies) in Mongolia and the Neotropics. Also working on Robberflies (Asilidae) of the Palaearctic.
Elias will be on Saba from February 28 - March 14, 2025. We will be updating our calendar with activity dates and times as we continue to coordinate our event. Stay tuned!