Erin Papke
Erin is a currently Ph.D. candidate at the University of North Carolina Wilmington in Blake Ushijima's lab and is hoping to finish her degree soon! Erin received a B.S. in marine science from the University of Delaware and then moved to the Florida Keys to work at Mote Marine Laboratory where she researched the optimization of coral restoration efforts. After leaving Florida, Erin started working in a pulmonology lab at the University of Pittsburgh. Her research mainly focused on hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia. She then started her Ph.D. at UNCW in the Spring of 2021. Her dissertation work is focused on investigating the etiology of stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD), combining her love of coral and her background in microbial disease research. Her research involves microbiome manipulation, specialized microscopy for pathology, and the establishment of model infection systems. To learn more about Erin, please visit erinpapke.com.
Collect microbial samples from the water and coral mucus and plate them on different media types. Check back in with Erin two days to observe what types of bacteria are present!
Erin will be on Saba October 8-15.
Presentation: October 11
Field Project: part 1 October 9 & part 2 October 11