Erwin Winter
Erwin Winter (dr. H.V. Winter) is a scientific researcher at Wageningen Marine Research and the Aquaculture and Fisheries Group of Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He has 30 years of experience in studying fish behavior in a wide range of water systems: from Dutch Rivers, Russian floodplains to offshore wind farms in the North Sea to tropical reef systems in the Caribbean. He uses a wide range of techniques to measure and understand behavior of free ranging fish in the wild, for example mark-recapture experiments, small acoustic transmitters in combination with extensive detection station networks and archival tags. In his work he really enjoys working with a wide variety of different people; fishermen, recreational anglers, nature conservationists, scuba divers, water managers, policy makers, scientists. With individual tracking of fish he studies the impact of anthropogenic pressures on behavior, what consequences this has on population levels and what actions can be taken to safeguard or restore fish populations that are in decline. Species of focus comprise sharks in temperate (starry smooth hound, tope shark) and tropical waters (reef, nurse, silky and tiger sharks), Atlantic cod in offshore wind farms, European eel, salmonids and lampreys in river systems. He received a MSc in Aquatic Ecology and a PhD on fish migration at Wageningen University. He lectures at several universities and is Dutch representative in the European Tracking Network (ETN). He authored or co-authored 45+ peer-reviewed papers, many reports and popular outreach (see https://research.wur.nl/en/persons/erwin-winter/publications/ if you’re interested in his works).
Join Erwin for a fintastic time learning about the movement patterns of Caribbean reef sharks, tiger sharks, and nurse sharks on Saba and the Saba Bank!
Erwin will be on Saba October 22-27.
Presentation: October 27
Field Project: October 23